Monday, April 26, 2010

{ Habit }


This handsome little fella' has many habits.
One of our favorites: loves making people laugh.
Another Favorite: all the little habits our kids pick up that drive us nuts when they do it,
but in the long run they work themselves out go away as fast as they came.
 Elder LeGrand R. Curtis' thoughts:
"Perhaps the best gift parents can give their children is to love each other, to enjoy each other, and even to hold hands and demonstrate their love by the manner in which they talk to each other.

Home should be a happy place because all work to keep it that way. 
It is said that happiness is homemade, and we should endeavor to make our homes happy and pleasant places for us and our children. A happy home is one centered around the teachings of the gospel. This takes constant, careful effort by all concerned.

In the ideal home, each child would be given every possible opportunity to develop his own personality without too much domination. Discipline is organized love, and children develop properly in an atmosphere of love, with adequate guidelines
to shape their lives and their habits. 
More children are punished for mimicking their parents than ever for disobeying them.
We should be what we want to see."
More inspiration here